Recruitment for the academic year 2021/2022

The BioPlanet Doctoral School announces the call for competition for four-year PhD studies in the academic year 2021/2022. Application deadlines, depending on proposed research topic, expire on 22 June, 10 August and 10 September 2021.
More information on terms of admission, proposed research topics, admission criteria and training program can be found in the section „Recruitment to the BioPlanet Doctoral School„.

Study in late May and June

Following recent regulations issued by authorities, we continue to conduct classes in a remote mode. This applies primarily to “Evo-devo” course lectures and credits. Pending exams from “Evolutionary biology” will be conducted using videoconferencing software. Students will be contacted individually (e-mail, phone) with details of proposed solutions. Regulations are subject to possible changes following advice of epidemiological authorities.

Recruitment for the academic year 2020/2021

The BioPlanet Doctoral School announces the call for competition for four-year PhD studies in the academic year 2020/2021. Application deadlines, depending on proposed research topic, expire on 25 June 2020 or 10 September 2020.
More information on terms of admission, proposed research topics, admission criteria and training program can be found in the section “Recruitment to the BioPlanet Doctoral School“.

Study during coronavirus outbreak

Following recent decisions of authorities, we inform that due to COVID-19 pandemic, all classes in BioPlanet School remain suspended until 24 May 2020. Students will be notified by email and web page regarding possible extension or shortening of this period by 20 May.  Please stay in on-line contact with your thesis supervisors regarding the extent and schedule of possible work to be used for dissertation.

Students attending the “Evo-devo” course should continue to stay in e-mail contact with the lecturer, to receive necessary materials linked to classes scheduled for the period of school closure.


The interview of candidates to BioPlanet Doctoral School will take place on Tuesday, September 17, 2019:  10.30 am at the Institute of Paleobiology PAS, Twarda 51/55, room 127.

The candidates are asked to prepare two short (4-10 slides) PowerPoint presentations: one concerning the master thesis and the second about the planned doctoral thesis.